Yesterday, I found broadway showed some signal of Bigboys playing. So I sent out a live trading signals to members at ard 0.070, in the afternoon 1:42PM. Within the same day, it started to run explosively. Before market close, price shot up to 0.090, a 28.5% move (From 0.070 to 0.090)within the same day.
Congratulations to those who followed my signal and made nice profit in this volatile market! Below it the screenshot of my live trading ideas :
Some may ask whether really can caught this kind of trading opportunites, even with my live trading ideas. Below are 1 page of some clients and members who trade according to my trading ideas and made more than 10% quick profit WITHIN the same day. i just screenshot one page for your reference(right click and save, then you can see their trading details). Yes, if you had received the same trading ideas on spot, from me, most likely you could have pocket in more than 10% profit already, can be $700-800, can more $1000-2000 as shown in the screenshot below, also can be much more depends on your position sizing and timing skill in terms of selling.
After market close, I received a lot phone calls, sms, asking whether Broadway got chance to move higher? Whether can chase high to buy?
According to my way of analysis, Broadway really got chance to move higher, as it is in a long term uptrend from Monthly chart. However, I will not suggest to chase after price move up 30%, as those who chase are very likely to be caught by bull trap once pull back starts. In addition, after price moved up some more, the it is very hard to come out a good trading plan with risk/reward ratio higher than 1.5.
According to my way of analysis, Broadway really got chance to move higher, as it is in a long term uptrend from Monthly chart. However, I will not suggest to chase after price move up 30%, as those who chase are very likely to be caught by bull trap once pull back starts. In addition, after price moved up some more, the it is very hard to come out a good trading plan with risk/reward ratio higher than 1.5.
So below is my suggestion:
1. For those who already have Broadway position and in nice profit, may consider sell partial and hold the rest position first, and start to sell when price start to show weakness.
2. For those who have not bought yet and want to chase, it may not be a good timing to enter now, put Broadway into your watchlist first and wait for next safe entry. We can also find other trading opportunities. Like what you can see from the screenshot of my trading ideas to members, for all 4 signals, price went up nicely with a potential profit with ard 10% WITHIN 1-2 days. Even if you missed Broadway, other live signals can help you catch many other great trading opportunities.
1. For those who already have Broadway position and in nice profit, may consider sell partial and hold the rest position first, and start to sell when price start to show weakness.
2. For those who have not bought yet and want to chase, it may not be a good timing to enter now, put Broadway into your watchlist first and wait for next safe entry. We can also find other trading opportunities. Like what you can see from the screenshot of my trading ideas to members, for all 4 signals, price went up nicely with a potential profit with ard 10% WITHIN 1-2 days. Even if you missed Broadway, other live signals can help you catch many other great trading opportunities.
Did you miss this Broadway opportunity? or you feel hard to do stock pick and market monitoring to catch nice great trading opportunities, like Broadway and other stocks (click HERE to read other trading calls made) ? If you would like to receive trading ideas for great stocks like Broadway and improve your performance in future......