Do you often feel that market somehow know what u do: price often goes down after you buy but goes up after you sell? If yes, then you need to be careful because most likely you fall into market trap already.
Robin Han, a graduated from NUS with a Ph.D degree, is well known by many investors as a trader and trading mentor. Dr. Han focus on study game theory analysis, smart money operations, trading system and market timing which helped himself and his fellow traders to catch many profitable opportunities in the current volatile market. His analysis of market and individual stocks are well-known in terms of accuracy. He has broadly shared his trading experience in stock market using the combination of fundamental analysis, technical analysis and game theory analysis. He often share his market view and methodology through medias and organization including: Capital 958 radio, 938 Live FM, Mediacorp Channel 8, Zaobao,ShareInvestor, SIM BMG,Traders Round Table,Online trader’s club and Wealth Directions etc.
韩巍博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,是很多投资者熟知的交易员和交易培训导师。在市场博弈,smart money操作,交易系统以及market timing等方面,韩博士都有着独到的研究和见解,并在市场中得到不断的印证。他的市场和个股分析以准确性高而著称。韩博士常受各种媒体和机构的邀请,向广大投资者分享他的投资心得,包括95.8城市频道, 938 Live FM、新传媒8频道、联合早报、ShareInvestor、股市资讯杂志、新加坡管理学院企业管理学会、Traders Round Table、在线交易员俱乐部、莱佛士商务国际以及Wealth Direction等。